4 de Março de 2016
Sala de Convívio da aeISEP

O Núcleo de Estudantes de Informática do ISEP está a organizar o evento que te vai dar a oportunidade de esclarecer todas as tuas dúvidas: Versus.
O objetivo? Desafiar as regras da lógica e pôr sistemas operativos e linguagens de programação/frameworks de desenvolvimento à prova.
Windows, macOS e Linux – cada um estará representado e serão debatidos diversos temas como segurança, desempenho ou a usabilidade de cada um.
No entanto, não nos ficamos por aqui. Tens o bichinho dev dentro de ti e queres saber mais sobre a melhor tecnologia para desenvolver? Nós aprofundamos o debate e vamos colocar as principais tecnologias para desenvolvimento object-oriented – a linguagem de programação Java e a framework .NET.
Mas quem fica a ganhar és tu! Se achas que te encontras ao nível deste desafio, e tens vontade de acabar com estes eternos dilemas, então junta-te a nós, traz as tuas dúvidas e tudo será possível!
The battle has just begun… what are you waiting for?
13:50 – 14:15 | Check-In |
14:15 – 14:30 | Sessão de Abertura |
14:30 – 16:00 | Debate: Round 1 Windows vs Linux vs macOS |
16:00 – 16:30 | Coffee-Break & Networking |
16:30 – 18:00 | Debate: Round 2 Java vs .NET |
18:00 – 18:10 | Sessão de Encerramento |
Round 1
Sistemas Operativos

Cristóvão Morgado
Head of Mobile Product Development, ITSector
Cristóvão Morgado is the head of mobile product development at ITSector.
His role is to drive forward the vision of the company about mobile platforms. Creating new products for incubation to suit the market needs and innovate any market we can, or just delivering great apps for our customers. I manage all teams that develops all Mobile Apps (Native, Cordova (Hybrid) and Xamarin).
Keeping my hands on code for best results I’m also the Architect and developer of some Apps using Xamarin (Native/Forms, C#, MVVM) , .NET Core (ASP.NET Core, EF Core), Azure Ecosystem (From App Services to Service BUS and DocumentDB).
Also known as the company Microsoft Fanboy.

Manuel Silva
Software Engineer, Xarevision
Sou programador, arquitecto de soluções e um apaixonado por inovação e software livre.
Utilizo GNU/Linux como sistema operativo principal, gosto de explorar truques de BASH e programo frequentemente em Perl, Python, PHP e JavaScript. Gosto de partilhar conhecimentos técnicos e de fazer experimentação com áudio.

Vítor Martins
Fundador e CEO, Pplware
Vítor Martins, 41 anos, natural de Vila Nova de Famalicão, fundador e responsável pelo (blog do ano de 2016), o mais preponderante canal de tecnologia em Portugal. Há cerca de 20 anos ligado ao mundo da tecnologia de forma profissional mas o seu primeiro computador foi um Commodore 64 bem lá atrás no ano de 1989. Utilizador convicto dos dispositivos Apple desde há vários anos.

Round 2
Linguagens de Programação

Mário Pereira
Software Architect, Farfetch
I’ve been working with the .NET framework since version 1.1, for both the web and desktop applications.
Currently, I’m an Architect at Farfetch, helping developing high quality scalable web solutions.
I’m passionate about test driven development, clean code and continuous delivery.

Tiago Fernandes
CTO, Bitmaker Software
Passionate about technology, problem solver, thinker, dreamer.
I’ve started working in Software Engineering before the end of the last millennium (ouch) using technologies like C, Visual Basic (ugh) and ASP. I then rapidly moved to Java and CORBA, to work on an online broker site. In the following years I delved deeper into online, transactional banking systems (homebaking, call centers) for the largest banks in Portugal. Worked from the early age java application servers like JRun to more recent, enterprise grade application servers like IBM Websphere or RedHat JBoss.
During the following years, I embraced the .NET framework ecosystem, acquiring experience in C# and the ASP.NET MVC framework. Since then, my work has been balanced between Java and .NET projects. I’ve worked on projects from several business areas, like Public Sector, Telcos and Transportation Systems.
As the time passed, I evolved from being a programmer to an architect. The experience I’ve gained gives me the skills to design complex and scalable systems, tailored for today’s web. One of my greatest concerns is how to make programmers more productive and how to deliver better software. That’s why I love SCRUM, test driven development, continuous delivery and DevOps.
I’m always interested in learning new stuff, because technology evolves very fast. In the last years I’ve been working with Play! Framework, Akka, AngularJS and ReactJS. Reactive systems and the functional paradigm are things that I am very enthusiastic about, and that’s why I am now working with Elixir and Phoenix.

Sala de Convívio da Associação de Estudantes do ISEP
Rua de São Tomé, S/N
4200-485 Porto (Portugal)
GPS: 41°10’42.3″ N, 8°36’31.7″ W